The naming convention for AP levels will be "level-*.xml" where * is the usual regular expression definition of *. Files will be laid out as follows:
Explanation of arguments (for a more in depth description of some of the arguments and how they're used see the doxygen documentation): Description/ID: a unique identifier for this level Description/SelectDescription: the string which will appear in the select level list box Description/LevelDescription: the string which will appear in the level loading dialog box World/world/name: name of the worldbox World/world/size: size of the worldbox along each dimension (worldbox is centered on the origin) World/world/box: texture to use on the worldbox World/world/clouds: texture to use for the background World/camera/name: name of the camera World/camera/radius: camera's distance from the origin World/camera/elevation: camera's vertical angle World/camera/azimuth: camera's horizontal angle Goal/goal/name: name of the goal Goal/goal/ID: a unique identifier for this goal Goal/goal/type: type of goal, can be one of the GoalType enum's Goal/goal/objectID: ID of the object associated with this goal Goal/goal/position: for inside/outside goals, the position of the goal Goal/goal/radius: for inside/outside goals, the radius of the goal Goal/goal/delay: how long the goal needs to be satisfied Object/object/name: name of the object Object/object/ID: a unique identifier for this object Object/object/ConnectionID: if this object is connectable, the ID of the connected-to object Object/object/shape: shape of object, a specific set of keywords is recognized here, see Object docs Object/object/type: type of object, a specific set of keywords is recognized here, see Object docs Object/object/texture: filename of the texture to use for the object's material Object/object/model: milkshape model to use as the object's model Object/object/position: position of the object Object/object/forward: forward vector of the object Object/object/up: up vector of the object Object/object/scale: scaling factors for the object Object/object/mass: mass of the object (assuming constant density) Object/object/on: initial activation status of the object Object/object/stationary: initial stationary status of the object Object/object/movable: movable status of the object Object/object/rotatable: axes which the object can be rotated about