Senior software engineer on
- Implemented new features for the mojo IDL compiler to autogenerate
C++ and JavaScript code
Senior software engineer and Tech Lead on
Chrome Extensions
- Designed and implemented core infrastructure (background/event pages,
process model, javascript to C++ bindings, package format and installation)
- Wrote several initial extension APIs: omnibox for interacting with the
URL bar, webRequest for interacting with network requests
- Lead a team of 5 engineers to improve security, robustness, and
flexibility of the platform
- Consulted with other teams to write more APIs on a larger scale
Software engineer on
- Wrote the Chrome port of Gears
- Refactored Gears so that every port (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE) shared
implementations, eliminating duplicate code
Software engineer on
- Designed and implemented the first version of the download manager
- Wrote templates to simplify IPC and callback code
- Replaced WebKit's back/forward list and form controls with multi-process
versions suitable for Chrome
- Integrated WebKit engine into Chrome by fixing 3000 of the 8000 initially
layout tests
Gameplay and interface programmer on
Saints Row
- Implemented the AI for various side missions (e.g. vehicle AI for Demolition Derby)
- Implemented HUD display and animations
- Created and maintained a generic GUI editor for manipulating game data files
Programmer intern on
The Punisher
- Improved a character lip-syncing system based on speech text
- Worked on a 3D level editor
Prometheon Inc.
- Software developer for user interfaces
- System administrator for Linux/UNIX systems